Week 1: Understanding Blended Learning
You can read my blog entry/reading reaction for this week’s reading.
For purposes of the DIY Tasks, I decided to convert my face-to-face Object-Oriented Programming course into a blended version. You can see my DIY submissions below, the Course Blueprint as well as the Mix Map.
The Course Blueprint is based on my existing face-to-face course structure. The objectives are relatively simple because all of the modules are essentially the same – introduce a concept in the face-to-face portion of the class, then introduce the programming portion of that concept in the online portion of the class using pre-recorded videos and learning activities.
During the next face-to-face session, I would review what the students had trouble with using a short activity, and answer any questions before assigning a longer programming assignment and introducing the next concept. By completing that programming assignment, the students will have met the objective for that module. The details of face-to-face vs. online activities are listed in the Mix Map below.
Next: Week 2: Blended Interactions
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